There is a BIG secret in the Scottsdale & Arcadia housing market and I can give you the 4-1-1!

It’s not new news that it’s a hot sellers Real Estate market but I’ll let you in on a secret—

High demand for homes doesn’t necessarily mean you will automatically get the most out of your home sale!

A good REALTOR uses these and a handful of other tricks to make sure home sellers have every base covered while utilizing the hot market to its fullest potential and ensuring you are coming out on top of your home sale without a penny left on the table. (AND ARE WILLING TO BET ON IT!! SCROLL DOWN TO BOTTOM FOR YOUR SPECIAL SUMMER HOME SELLING OFFER!)

Trick 1: Pre-marketing: The low inventory has put buyers and buyers’ agents in a constant home searching frenzy. Building awareness and anticipation around your home coming on the market will help get the most eyes on it early and create competition among urgent buyers. The MLS has a place for coming soon listings, but that is not enough. The best agents will make sure your home is listed in the coming soon section but is also taking their own measures to pre-market your home to their perspective buyer clients, other agents and out of area buyers before it’s even on the market.

Trick 2– Power of emotion (& honesty): Yes. They go hand and hand here. A good agent knows very well that when a home buyer walks into a home, they instantly try to imagine their furniture laid out, their family gathered and their lifestyle fitting into the home. Obviously, everyone is different and lifestyles vary, so as a seller, your best bet is to try and make it as simple as possible for everyone who walks in to picture their life and future in your home. This may mean decluttering, deep cleaning, odor removal, painting, removing decor and the list goes on. When you have lived in your home for a decent amount of time and are used to seeing it how it is, it is common to have a skewed vision making it hard to pin point what may or may not appeal to others. This is where a good agent comes into play—they should have the ability to identify where in your home needs changes and have the ability to have an honest discussion with you about the best potential options to make every house hunter feel right at home when they enter the front door.

Trick 3– Terms, conditions and negotiations: If you don’t sell houses all the time, the details and process of getting a home sold is overwhelming. Heck, the legal words and fancy verbiage in some of these contracts is out of this world! A good agent will know what every line of the contracts mean and all the unspoken “between the lines” that they need to protect you from. Terms and conditions of a contract include everything from contingencies, timelines, financing, closing costs, close of escrow and possession– all of these things, if not understood or negotiation correctly, could cost you extra money on repairs, more in closing costs, unsatisfactory timelines and an overall loss of money on your home. Make sure your agent can explain these things and how they are going to protect you and your best interest.

Trick 4– A far reaching network and strong relationships: This is key. One of the best ways to create competition, that creates multiple offers, that creates bidding wars, that creates you getting the most money and best terms for your home sale–is an agent with reach and connections. An agent that is either part of a team or brokerage that has a national/ international presence and connections to local and non-local agents with buyers. Technology obviously helps greatly here so before listing your home, find out how your agent is building awareness of your home to out of area agents and buyers and what marketing, social media, and communication technology they use to connect with agents and buyers.

If you’ve thought about selling, the market is in your favor. But if you are ready to sell for the most money possible, in your timeframe and under your ideal conditions— I want to craft a plan with you and make it happen!

Because I am so passionate about home sellers capitalizing on their home sale during these times and I am confident in my ability to get you the most money in your pocket, I am offering home sellers a summer special.

— List your home with me before September 1st and receive:

  • $1500 towards closing cost!
  • Free marketing, including professional photos, promotional video, digital advertising, print advertising, social media promotions and more!
  • If your home can use a little sprucing, complimentary staging services and/or professional cleaning!

There has never been a better time than now! Lets chat more details about this deal and your selling options and get you on your way to your next door opening!


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